Tuesday 7 February 2012

cardboard box construction

this morning, super inspired after seeing our pal, miss pea creating and inventing using her makedo kit  we made a GUP-O just like the GUP-A in the octonauts. o-o set sail to rescue dashi (his first love?) who had been swallowed by a whale shark. 

then we went for hot chocolates in town (bought o-o his own, i have learnt from bitter experience that it is a foolhardy individual who shares their chocolat chaud with this little guzzler) and a mooch in the library. this afternoon we had a browse in the charity shop before hitting the playground for some nail biting adventures. o-o was so brave, kept climbing the big boy ladder despite falling off once ("my legs keep falling down") until he could ascend unassisted. pride.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. I can think of one grown man who would quite like his own cardboard submarine...


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